Episode 51: City Of Glass

Episode 51 of The Descent Is Easy discusses City Of Glass, Episode 20 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
It’s the end of a season and a monster of a podcast. Make sure you’re sitting comfortably! We talk a LOT.
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6th May 2019 @ 7:20 pm
You guys had so much to say about this episode and you had very valid points but I don’t care, I loved this episode! I loved everything about it. The Malec proposal was 😭😭, I can only imagine what the actual wedding will do to me. Magnus obviously disliked the family ring as much as we did as he replaced them with a much more pleasing one.
I just wished that we could have had a bit more of Asmodeus. And I’m really starting to like Lorenzo. 🦎 The canons reminded me of something out of Star Wars. Also, when the dragons are attacking, there’s this one shadowhunter who does this weird jump up the stairs, it makes me laugh every time I see it.
I’m not ready for the final..
2nd May 2019 @ 6:05 pm
okay geographically i could totally come to the showing and id love to. but like, im busy at that time 🙁 hAVE LOADS OF FUN
(also michelle you have no right to complain about typos like have you read anyyyyyy of my comments?)
4th May 2019 @ 5:52 pm
Also re Jordan this is really unlikely but it is possible that due to the wolfyness that rigor Morris sets in really fast? He should have still taken the potion thi
5th May 2019 @ 11:16 pm
Rigor mortis fgs 🙄🤣
14th May 2019 @ 11:59 am
it’s totally totally possible that there’s reasons.. we just don’t know them and therefore it’s WEIRD!! haha
2nd May 2019 @ 1:11 pm
Damn I wanted my username to be: TheBestCharacterOnTheShowIsScott.fightme xD
Btw I just recently discovered your podcast and I absolutely love it! You point out things I wouldn’t notice on my own and your jokes are hilarious! After the show finishes I will listen to your whole podcast from the start😍
And I would love to come to London to the farm bit unfortunately I live in Germany :/
2nd May 2019 @ 1:07 pm
I have no idea what Ruth’s quotes are but Michelle’s is “We got this” I think xD