Episode 43: Original Sin

Episode 43 of The Descent Is Easy discusses Original Sin, Episode 12 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
Where we get a whole lot of B, C, D, K and Y plot, and Jace and Luke valiantly attempt to drag us through the presumed A plot…
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11th March 2019 @ 6:01 pm
I just had a thought… When Magnus asks Alec if he misses his cat eyes, does that mean that that was the first time they made love since Magnus lost his magic? 😢
10th March 2019 @ 11:39 pm
I’m not going to make this a long one as it’s already passed midnight and I need to get up at 7am…
I loved this episode. There were a couple of issues but overall, I thought it was great. Kat looks good with dark hair, who knew. I’m still enjoying the dynamic between Clary and Jonathan. He’s not scaring me yet but he makes me kind of nervous because he’s hard to figure out. I don’t know what his goal is or what’s going on in his head and that’s interesting but makes me edgy. Still feeling the love though it has come down a notch now that he killed beardy Shadowhunter and Mirec. I really liked both.
I got really frusrated with Clary not trying to get away enough. I mean, she had a stele, she can make portals! She could have escaped before Beardy Shadowhunter got to her. Also don’t know why they flew Dom over to Paris just for that one scene.
I try to stay away from spoilers and plot stuff as much as possible (except Malec, i have no willpower when it comes to them), so I was only vaguely aware of the whole Paris thing. When I watched the ep, i had completely forgotten that Matt and Isaiah weren’t there. I didn’t notice at all. I paid special notice after listening to your podcast but it really didn’t bother me or take me out of the moment. Maybe it was because Matt looked really badass.. 😁
Which takes me to the Malec training scene. OMG, you guys had so much to say about it! I love that you look at these things not just as fans but that you can be critical as well. And I hear where you’re coming from and I totally agree but I have decided not to dwell on the whole Alec being made to look weaker thing. It just takes away from my enjoyment of either the scene or his character. Alec totally beat Magnus when it came to fighting with weapons. And I have no problem with the idea that Alec is good at hand to hand combat but that he excells in fighting with weapons. And I’m sure that Magnus has learned a lot in his many years that would make him awesome at hand to hand. Granted, it didn’t make much sense after he’d asked Alec to help him train but that’s just a writer’s thing. Unfortunately. Apart from all that, the training scene was hot as hell! 😍 I love that we are getting more intimate casualness between them, that they’re both so comfortable being with each other. I also like to think that they’re penisses are always in the room.. 😂
I’m still not feeling the Sizzy of it all. It seems a bit rushed and forced at the moment, I hope that their relationship gets to develop a bit more natural and not seem rushed. Also, that look between the Seelie Queen and Meliorn when Izzy cuts her wrist to feed Simon her blood just cracked me up. All that was missing was an eye roll.
All in all, a great ep. I’m looking forward to Maryse in the next ep. And hopefully Russell and/or Underhill. 👍
Talk to you later!
6th April 2019 @ 11:53 am
just rereading this and I can’t believe how little Underhill we’ve had so far!!! also remembered that we have been told we were goinig to find out his name, which hasn’t happened yet, so I assume we’re going to get some actual Underhill time? ::ponders::
7th March 2019 @ 4:21 am
I have been waiting for this all week and you guys didn’t disappoint!!!
I would like to start off by saying that I don’t like going on Twitter and venting, especially about the couples and such because we have enough ship war nonsense and everything on there already and I don’t want to add fuel to the fire. So I might get into a little bit of a rant on here and I apologize in advance😂
I am having trouble collecting my thoughts and feelings about this episode because I do think that it’s a good episode, but a lot of things didn’t work for me, and I think I might like this episode mostly because of the Malec content. I’m not gonna pretend like the Malec moments aren’t usually my favorite or that their scenes aren’t the ones I go back and watch 17,000 times, but they are not the only reason I watch or love this show and the fact that there are very few other stand out moments in this episode for me is not something that usually happens.
One part of this episode that I really did enjoy was the Clary/Jonathan scenes and while everything might not have been perfect, I think that it was interesting seeing their dynamic. I really loved how Jonathan was just not understanding why the things he was doing were wrong and I think that Luke Baines is doing a great job of making me feel sympathy for this character that we really shouldn’t have sympathy for. I have a feeling that’s not going to last long tho lol. Also, I know you guys said he portaled away at the very end of the episode, but I just rewatched the episode and he actually zooms away really fast like the Will Tudor shaped Jonathan did back in 2×18 when he ran out of the Institute!!
As for the Malec this episode. I completely agree about what you guys said about the training scene(though I do still love the scene by itself and will continue to watch it on a loop lol) The thing is that I honestly have no problem with Magnus being pretty skilled at hand-to-hand combat. When I think back to Magnus’ magic fight with Lorenzo in 3×09 it wasn’t totally dissimilar to hand-to-hand fighting one might do without magic and Magnus won that fight. Plus he’s had hundreds of years to learn these things, apparently got trained by some amazing martial arts instructor, and we also saw him in 2×01 on the balcony doing the magical Tai-Chi or whatever that was. And that might not have been training, but that does suggest that Magnus does practice whatever forms of martial arts he knows every so often. The problem was that the writers made it seem like Magnus had absolutely no idea how to fight without his magic and had Magnus ask Alec to train him, but then showed us the complete opposite of that. I think that is could have been(mostly) fixed if instead, Alec had been the one to suggest the training. Then Magnus could have come in and kind of shock Alec with his fighting skills and I think his smugness might have worked better in this case too. As well as his name-dropping of the martial arts instructor. And Alec still could have beat him with the actual fighting with the weapons because that might not have been something Magnus ever learned. Again this wouldn’t solve everything, but it might have solved my main issue. So despite all of that I still love this scene, I can’t help it😂, and my favorite part was the very end where Magnus’ tried to be all casual and then gave up and just booked it after Alec!!
I completely agree with you guys’ about Malec’s physical intimacy in 3B so far and especially in that post-coital scene, and I was shocked by the number of people on Twitter that were surprised and like, in awe, that Alec was having that conversation with Magnus while naked. I’m kind of surprised that they showed it in the episode, but not that it’s something that Alec did. Do people think Alec and Magnus leave their clothes on when they have sex or…????😂😂 I hope this pattern continues throughout the rest of 3B!!
Now, Sizzy. Again I have been afraid to say anything about this on Twitter because I don’t want to start ship wars, but, besides the fact that the path that the writers started for Sizzy in this episode should be deleted from existence, I am not feeling Sizzy at all. I am not super invested in any couple apart from Malec, but I like and appreciate Clace(when they actually get scenes where they can be a couple), and I pretty instantly fell in love with Saia and Luke/Maryse. But I don’t think I have ever felt so indifferent about a couple before and I don’t mean that as harshly as I am sounding because I think Alberto and Emeraude do have chemistry, but the writers have kind have done an atrocious job of handling their relationship so far. I really don’t even see them as that close of friends because we have only got like a total of 5 scenes in recent episodes where I felt any sort of bond or closeness.
The writers did so well with sidestepping the Maia/Izzy/Simon thing that I was worried about in the last episode and in this episode they really screwed up. I knew that Simon was going to feed on Izzy because there was a brief shot of that scene in the first 3B trailer and I said at the time that I would wait and see before judging, but that I would be really angry if they tried to turn it into a romantic moment, and that’s exactly what they did. Simon and Izzy are nowhere near what some of the lines from Izzy in this scene suggested and those on top of the music and the way Izzy put her head on Simon’ was so inappropriate for where they are at. And then we have the whole addiction thing and I honestly can’t believe they went there just to be romantic. Like I am honestly appalled by this scene. I don’t really have any more thoughts about it other than that I have a feeling it’s not going to be handled properly, but we’ll see I guess.
And finally, I want to talk about the end Clace reunion and about the filming in Paris thing altogether. Clace may not be my favorite couple on the show, but I feel so bad for them and the Clace fans. I honestly don’t know how Clace fans felt about the scene, from the little I’ve seen they were actually pretty happy about it and I am glad at least some fans really liked the scene, but it was so underwhelming to me. I honestly think I would have preferred the cheesy slow-motion run into each other’s arms with a kiss and loud music and circling cameras because what we got was so…bland. It had some cute moments, like Jace’s smile, but…..😬 And then there was filming in Paris. I am gonna be totally honest, I understand that it was cool and fun for the cast and crew, but I really think they could have not done it at all. I’m sure it was expensive and I don’t really get the point other than that it was cool. They didn’t actually film any scenes anywhere of relevance in Paris, they spent most of the time on side streets, in old shops, and at a cafe, all of which could have been done in Toronto. And the last scene was absolutely ridiculous with the green screen Alec and Luke. I don’t know what else to say other than I honestly just don’t get it.
This is really, really long and I’m sooooooooo sorry!!🙈🙈
6th April 2019 @ 11:58 am
just going through old comments, to see what we’ve addressed in podcast and what we haven’t. very aware we have been sucking at actually responding to comments in real life!! sorry!!!
I was wondering how you feel about Sizzy these days, now that we’ve got some more episodes under our belts? Because I keep bouncing between ‘Sizzy doesn’t exist, stop trying to make it happen’ and ‘Sizzy is SUPER ADORABLE’ which is giving me whiplash.
6th March 2019 @ 9:10 pm
im only at the start of the malec training scene BUT HERE ARE MY NOTES SO FAR (vaguely organised for once):
1. michelle, at 8am on tuesdays, i am getting ready to go into maths. my lesson on quadratic equations is invaded by malec and clace and saia ( cos i reallyyyyy dont ship sizzy on the show) and OH MY GOD NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO GET HURT. you can totally have pasta and watch around an hour late instead of almost a whole day.
2. YES IZZY SHOULD HAVE TOTALLY MURDERED THAT RAT. (poor rat though) i. just. ugh. done.
3. ah, yes, foolish mundane getting scared of an only half sentient demon. idiots, mundanes.
4. yeah, why would he be in the area with most shadowhunters. maybe izzy should be in my math lessons instead of me.
5. pretty sure its atumn? not sure though
(i complain a lot. not about tdie but sh)
7. i dont have much of a problem with magnus being smug. because if i was in his place, having learnt fighting like 200 years ago and being decent in fighting, and i flat out beat a gods damned WARRIOR in like three minutes, while frickin dancing, i would be smug. real smug. but he shouldnt have a CAUSE to be smug. he should have around five seconds of winning (up until the name dropping line-which i kinda loved ) AND THEN LOSING. like, magnus is probably my favourite character, but honestly.
so. done.
(no, but i do love the show even if i complain a lot)
(also, you guys kinda are scary. especially in that one bookclub ep where you got angry at half the word. DELIGHTFUL, yes. but also kindaaaa scary)
(to be continued…….)
6th March 2019 @ 9:46 pm
8 and/or 1. yeahhhh, clary gets changed too fast. i rememebere when you were like instead of the sandwhich competition (of which, i now have your badge on my bag)youd have people get changed in 19seconds lol 😀
9?2?imma go with 2. he should name his pet rock siMOSS. im hilarious. no, but im sorry for the bad pun
3.LIKE HELL IMMA SKIP MALEC INFO. but yes, matt looks HUGE and his heaving bosom is worth seeing twice, and his HANDS IM GLAD THAT YOU POINTED IT OUT. also, shouldnt his cat eyes always be on display?cos the glamour is the brown eyes? also alec has A ROOM? i thought he just…slept in his office. michelle, when all of this is over, please make a map of the intitute like you did with magnus’ loft.
4.after pandemonium con, i cannot trust anything you say about dom because it will be biased. sorry michelle, but its a fact
5. nahhh, the main plot is now malec. or atleast, the show seems to think so. like, i love malec, and i want ALL the malec, but from an unbiased perspective…no. it should be a side plot.
6.they didnt bring the warlock cos they decided to live in siberia. like the view, ya know. the view of the frozen tundra and possibly some cape-hair snagged on branches.
(my commentry of your commentry that nobody asked for or wants will continue tommorow- i wanna save some of your commentry for my commute to school tommorow.)
(its been almost two days and im still angry at the training scene)
(im probably gonna be angry forever
(to be continued…..again……..)
10th March 2019 @ 11:37 am
part 3
2. why would you possibly think france has pickpockets lol
4. especially when one of those pickpckets is CLARY….
5. honestly, the writer drank some bad water and everyone is now horny
6. they got back using alecs newfound seelie magic from last episode, obviously.
7. BOOK SPOILER. didnt they go to him for the adamas? and then after killing him they went to that club? not sure though BOOK SPOILER OVER
8. yes, she needs to do something. honestly, the fact that season one mundie simon is better at pro-activity than a pretty much proper shadowhunter at this point…just…hgh
9. i really want to see this clave notice board. also, yes, its ridiculous, theyre leading on to OUR GREEN SCREEN MAT AND ISIAH
10. i LOVED that line in the trailer. also, that grammar correction yesss
11. i didnt even think about the yin fen addiction cos the sizzy was so shoehorned. hghghghghhgh
12. eh, dom wanted to go home, england wasnt avilable so they said, hey paris is close lets do that.
13. oh my gods the show is always shortchanging clace. its their first kiss again; im too busy focusing on something else even though i dont want to be. hghghgh
14. yas, he scream good.
ps. its mid autumn to early winter cos 2.16, day of atonement, was 12 october and the timelines very compressed so its probs still around oct/nov/dec