Episode 42: Lost Souls

Episode 42 of The Descent Is Easy discusses Lost Souls, Episode 11 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
Anyone else feel like it’s August 2018? O_O
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Don’t forget to join our Quote Guessing Game! And in case you didn’t catch it in the podcast, we are running a give away that will include anyone signing up to become one of our Patreon Members before the 10th March, for the chance to win a tDiE notebook, signed by Matthew Daddario.
3rd March 2019 @ 9:45 pm
I can’t believe Shadowhunters is back! It’s been so long and I’ve missed you guys doing this. It was so good to hear you complain about the show again. 😁
I thought this was a really good opening episode. I already love Jonathan. It seems I still have a thing for the bad guy. He is very different from Jonathan/Sebastian, almost to the point that I think of him as a totally new character. Which he kinda is. I look forward to seeing how his character will develop. Right now I’m not sure what’s going on in his mind, what his motivation is. I already feel kind of protective about him. Also, never noticed he was a ginger until you mentioned it.
Dom does grieve and despair so well. I do hope that his character will get some hapiness soon, he’s been through so much lately. His scene with Izzy was lovely, they should have more moments like that together. Just more Lightwood siblings scenes in general. Though I do hope that they won’t just ignore the impact that The Owl will have had on him.
So glad that Maia and Raphael are back. I hope that they won’t keep him in Detroit. I can’t say that I’ve ever been very invested in Sizzy. They’re cute together but I have never really shipped them. It will be interesting to see if the show can get me to root for their relationship. I like the fact that it seems like it’s Maia who is distancing herself from Simon and they didn’t start Sizzy when they were still in a relationship, I would have hated that.
They did a good job with Magnus’ flashbacks. I hope we get to see more of his past. Or at least see Mini Magnus smile just once. Is it me or have they made ‘human’ Magnus softer looking? Maybe it’s because he’s wearing less make-up? Even his hair looks softer and it makes him look younger. I hope we get to explore the abcense of his magic and it’s effects on him some more, I can’t help but think that he is hiding a lot of his pain from everyone. I kind of hope that he doesn’t get his magic back too soon.
Loved the last scene between Clary and Jonathan though I couldn’t help laughing at her stupidity. I like the fact that they’re linked together, that should make further episodes interesting.
Oh and hey, no dissing my boy’s skills with his bow and arrow. If he can defeat Azuzel while flying through the air, he can pin Iris up against the wall. 😆
They had better leave the light on for the Malec training scene!
Talk to you later!
2nd March 2019 @ 12:47 pm
what was the date again? 10th of may? april?
oh. my. gods. yes, shadowhunters soo needs to stop just releasing the whole scene before hand. like, dont get me wrong, i love malec but it was such a jarring scene. it was pretty adorable though.
as for the tonality shifts, i think it was mainly because the characters were pretty isolated in the scenes. maybe not the institute squad but everyone else was pretty much in a bubble by themselves/ with one other person.
i also think that Jonathan not having a snap potential may be a book thing because he was kind in his weird, warped, psychotic way in the later half of the series.
also, the part where the blood come out of her mouth? AMAZING. (BOOK SPOILER) like, the shock didnt work too much on me because i had guessed that they had switched clace storylines (kinda) so i guessed that it would happen but it was still visually amazing.
also, jonathan is ginger? i couldnt tell until i watched the trailer thing for ep 12 because the lighting is pretty bad haha.
YES THAT SEELIE MAGIC SCENE i had to watch it like ten times befoe i could actually get into it because my brain just kept out pointing problems.
as for the competency sell out…just hghg. im already done.
and izzy finally has a kinda storyline! so excited! im sure it’ll degrade into sizzy soon but how awesome would it be if she spent a large part of this season changing the techniques of the clave? how awesome would that be?
anyway, loved the episode!
(i sent you my {probs wrong} guesses for quotes that are tDiE for plus my very very initial thoughts through gmail)
5th March 2019 @ 11:50 pm
—also, jonathan is ginger? i couldnt tell until i watched the trailer thing for ep 12 because the lighting is pretty bad haha.—
we actually had someone else say this! that they hadn’t realised he’s ginger, until Ruth mentioned it. God shadowhunters needs lightbulbs so bad!!!!!
—as for the competency sell out…just hghg. im already done.—
I assume you have seen this weeks episode… we had a LOT to say about competency. SIGH.
—and izzy finally has a kinda storyline! so excited! im sure it’ll degrade into sizzy soon but how awesome would it be if she spent a large part of this season changing the techniques of the clave? how awesome would that be?—
and this comment (and our excitement from last week) did NOT age well…
6th March 2019 @ 9:12 pm
i..this is basically my coment on your ep for original sin so far
28th February 2019 @ 8:32 pm
First of all you guys are seriously so much fun to listen too! I’m so excited that I am all caught up on these and can listen each week now!!
Second, I am so happy that someone else was as happy about Jonathan’s little sigh of despair as I was!! That might have been my favorite part of the episode😂
I am also really relieved at how the Simon, Maia, and Izzy story went this episode. I am sad that Saia is over, but I was really, really scared about how it was gonna be handled and I think the writers did a really great job and avoided pretty much everything that the fans thought was gonna happen!
Whoever is behind the SHTV’s twitter account posted a few things for this episode just to cause drama and I think this fandom really just needs to learn to watch the episode before judging. Both the Parabatai scene and the Simon/Izzy/Maia one caused so much drama and in my opinion both turned out fine. Tho I do agree that the Parabatai scene could have used just a little more time to get Jace was point a to point b.
I can’t wait to listen again next week!!
5th March 2019 @ 11:45 pm
Sorry for the insane lateness of response! Last week has been mad and we’ve been a little overwhelmed with the amount of comments and quote guesses and everything else we’ve had.
So excited for you to be joining us live! I’d forgotten how much fun the actual EVERYONE IS DOING THIS AT THE SAME TIME AND TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING!!! is haha
Jonathan’s sigh is a thing of beauty and I am really really intrigued by what Luke Baines is doing. I’m still not sure I understand it, but I am fascinated!!
I completely agree that this fandom as a whole needs to chill, stop creating unnecessary drama, and wait for the end result, before judging everything that happens. mainly because whoever is organising and running the social media channels is so unbelievably tone deaf, possibly on purpose, I really cannot tell… =\
Just editing today’s episode. My a lot of things happened O_O
6th March 2019 @ 11:42 pm
No worries about the lateness!! And I just finished your guy’s 3×12 episode and I am about to comment(a lot😬) of my thoughts over on that one!!
Also I am so excited to get to listen to these each week now!! After the actual episode airing, these podcasts are what I look forward to the most about my week!!