Extra 19: Shadowhunters 3b Trailer

This is a little bit rough and ready, a little wild as hell, and a lot excited.
So basically it’s Alec, in that training scene… O_O
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1st February 2019 @ 4:15 pm
About sizzy- yes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sizzy. BUT that also means I dpnt want it to be shoehorned and ugh that’s what they will do I think.
Is the malec training that steamy though? It’s like..an almost kiss? Idk. I NEED TO GO REMATCH IT
We don’t know it’s a wedding though. It could be like..one of the nephilim. One of the silent brothers. We don’t know. Also, if they did, (BOOK SPOILERS FOR QOAAD AHEAD)
wouldn’t it be copyright issues?
Also, clary and alec are DEAD. DEAD I TELL YOU. DEADDDDD
Gods I am so hyped for 3b now 🙂
1st February 2019 @ 6:01 pm
Yeah, we just kinda of have to wait with Sizzy, We’ll see. As I said, i have an unreasonable amount of faith in Alberto, so….
Does the Malec training scene look steamy from the brief snippet in the trailer. Yes, I’d say it absolutely does 😉
Re potential copyright issues – pretty much no? They couldn’t do it the way they did in QOAaD (with the set up and the lines and the scene and everything) but you can’t copyright ‘marriage’, just like the show couldn’t use Rafael and Max as those are characters they don’t hold rights to, but Magnus and Alec could totally have kids in the show – they could even have a warlock kid and a Shadowhunter kid.
ha, yeah, totally.
1st February 2019 @ 10:05 pm
Honestly, we all have faith in alberto.
On re watch, yes it is steamy I was wrong. I am sorry. I did not accept the malec. XD
I guess? Idk. Also, they wouldn’t have two kids. THEY’D HAVE 8. THIS IS WHAT MAT SAID OKAY. MAT WOULD NOT LIE TO US.
See,the trailers doing it for you. OUR EXCITEMENT IS INFECTIOUS.
6th February 2019 @ 12:14 pm
And we are wise and correct in our faith.
yes yes yes. steamy steam steam.
Lol, Matt does nothing but lie to us, but y’know he lies out of love.
we had tiny snow, and then it went away, and lots of sleet and it was very cold. it is less cold now.
7th February 2019 @ 8:40 pm
yes. we are.
yes. i keep telling myself that there are other parts to 3b by mind just keeps going NO. ONLY MALEC. ONLY MALEC IN 3B
YES. ‘bamboozle’ comes to mind
oh. we had lots of snow, but like, on friday, which is useless, because it does not result in a snow day. good luck on staying warm!
1st February 2019 @ 2:12 am
First of all, thank you for doing commentary on this!!
Second, I completely agree with you about Sizzy! As someone who has read the books I understand why people want them to happen so much, but from what the TV has actually given us I ship Simon and Maia so much more right now. I don’t want to get angry about something that hasn’t happened yet, but I really hope that Simon and Maia are finished properly before we jump into Sizzy. We’ll see I guess!!
After watching the trailer frame by frame I think that the person that Clary slaps at the beginning is actually Aline, not Izzy.
I also think that the rune Clary makes is actually the portal rune because if you remember in 2×16 when she first made it, it appeared in that shape on the map, so not a new rune I don’t think.
And finally, I didn’t recognize any people in the background in that scene with Clary, so random downworlders or shadowhunters I assume. From what I can tell that was actually Caterina’s hand healing Magnus. Brother Zachariah did have runes on his cheek last time, but you could barely see them and tbh when I first saw it I thought they had just styled his hair weird and it was laying funny on his cheeks😂. And finally in the shot of the wedding, you can see Magnus and Alec in the way back left, Aline and Helen in the front left, who I believe is Simon and Maia dancing to the right of Jace’s shoulder, and oddly Lorenzo and Underhill at the table beside Sizzy, which I thought was kinda strange, but whatever🤨
Anyways thanks again for doing this and I to will be watching it and every gif made for the next 25 days!!😋
1st February 2019 @ 6:03 pm
You’re so welcome! glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, fingers crossed I suppose.
you are totally correct on all points. That’s what we get for watching it low res, lol.
Oh, Brother Zachariah… oh dear.
2nd February 2019 @ 1:51 am
I know, it’s so sad about Brother Zachariah. I feel bad because I like the actor who plays him, but his costume and make up are just not good😬 I think they tried too hard to make him like he was in the books that they just missed the mark somehow😕 Also, regarding B. Zachariah did you notice he was actually talking? I honestly can’t tell if they forgot he was a silent brother(I hope not) or if they did the (spoiler?)whole thing with him from the books. He looks exactly like he did last time so I’m not sure?
5th February 2019 @ 3:38 pm
I keep half reading all these messages where people are very kindly spoiler warning and I’m like DONT LOOK but equally MUST LOOK and I have no idea what any of you are on about hahahahahaha
rewatching the trailer, it totally cuts from clary making the rune in front of all those people, to a portal… makes perfect that sense that it’s a portal rune haha that’s what we get for analysing it frame by frame, rather than looking at it in context of, you know, the other 55 seconds hahaha
5th February 2019 @ 9:28 pm
I know you haven’t finished the books so I didn’t want to risk any potential spoilers, but looking back I realized that I gave absolutely nothing away😂
Regarding your comment below about Sizzy, I don’t know enough about Sizzy in 3B to really judge yet, but I kind of feel like the fans wanted Sizzy so bad that they really are gonna be fanservice at this point. I would understand rushing Sizzy a little more if they had known about the cancellation before writing 3B, but seeing as that’s not the case I just don’t see any other reason as to why they are pushing it so much when we have had so little content up until this point. Up until the very end of 3A, the show has given us some really great Saia moments and some cute(but very few) Simon/Izzy friendship moments, but that’s it. Maybe I am better at separating my knowledge and feelings of the books from the show, but from what I have seen so far on the show I would be perfectly fine with Saia being endgame even though I enjoyed Sizzy in the books.
And I definitely agree that it was a poor decision to include Sizzy in the trailer. I wouldn’t have minded if they had just hinted at it a little, but to not even show 1 clip of Simon and Maia together, who are still dating at this point, was pretty horrible.
However, despite my rambling and venting lol, I am going to keep an open mind and hope that the writers figured out a way to make it all work in a somewhat believable way that doesn’t pit Maia and Izzy against each other and doesn’t hurt Maia. Fingers crossed!!
8th February 2019 @ 11:16 am
oh yeah, i’m totally not judging 3b sizzy because yeah, i have no idea what they’re going to do and how they are going to do it. that’s totally fine!! I am judging the trailer. HARD.
I do understand why they feel the need to get sizzy together, because of the books. I think it’s the wrong attitude to take, but as I said to Ruth, if they had had magnus and alec date other people and been playing the long game, in getting them together, and then the show got cancelled before it happened, I would be very unhappy. Equally, I don’t think I’d want them to rush it. because if it doesn’t happen organically, it’s kind of rubbish. So I think book knowledge sizzy shippers are in a shit place, because that’s how they must be feeling, and show based Saia shippers have just been slapped across the face by that trailer.
So yeah.
8th February 2019 @ 11:57 pm
Yeah, it really isn’t a great situation for anyone. I keep telling myself that I just need to wait until 3B and then formulate an opinion, but I have been watching the trailer on repeat for the past week and the Sizzy scenes make me mad every time I see them lol. Only 17 days left, I think I can make it haha
5th February 2019 @ 3:41 pm
I haven’t got to the bit in the book where sizzy are a thing. they’ve sort of kind of made out, off page, and that’s about it, so for me right now, that trailer is actively offensive, even with my endgame otps book knowledge… it’s a really poor choice for them to have made I think.
I do believe alberto will be able to sell it to me, when it actually happens, but putting it in the trailer is too much fan service for my taste.
5th February 2019 @ 6:43 pm
i feel if i wasnt so biased from my love of book sizzy i would hate it too but oh well i acnt really do anything. BUT it does nean i dont want it to be shoehorned and i think it will