Thinky Thoughts about Harry Potter
In this episode we talk about the Warner Brothers Studio Harry Potter Experience, for around 10 minutes, before spending the rest of the episode discussing our Harry Potter experience, including how and when we got into the books, the madness of midnight book releases, working in bookshops during the time of the Harry Potter craze, Rowling’s writing and how we feel about Harry Potter now.
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30th April 2020 @ 1:54 am
Ok I only just got around to listening to this episode and came to the bit where Michelle was talking about the people who couldn’t come in at midnight and were buying the book the next day and there were people talking about the book and how rude this was. It brought back so many memories related to those times, but one in particular stands out – where my maths teacher gave everyone detention because one guy in the class yelled out “SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE” 3 days after the 6th book came out. Maybe it was because he was being disruptive or maybe because she was reading it and had been spoiled – we never figured it out but I always like to think it was the latter. Anyway, thanks for a another good episode, it’s so wonderful to listen to you both!